How To Work From Home in Your Apartment

The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 gave rise to remote and hybrid work, which still remains popular several years after it became the “new normal.” A 2023 Forbes article found that a staggering 98% of workers surveyed would prefer to work remotely at least some of the time. While work-from-home and hybrid roles have several benefits […]
ML By Matt LaMar on March 6, 2024
Worker discusses business objectives with colleagues over a video call while working from home at a desk

The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 gave rise to remote and hybrid work, which still remains popular several years after it became the “new normal.” A 2023 Forbes article found that a staggering 98% of workers surveyed would prefer to work remotely at least some of the time.

While work-from-home and hybrid roles have several benefits like increased flexibility and reduced commute time, remote work also presents its unique challenges. Throughout this blog, we’ll provide helpful tips for working from home in an apartment with advice for distraction management, setting up a workspace, and more.

Creating an Apartment Workspace

A vital part of working from home is keeping your living and working spaces as separate as possible. Avoid working in your living room or on your bed, as it can be harder to focus. Instead, set up a space dedicated to working, like a home office or a working nook.

How to Set Up An Office or Desk Nook

Setting up an apartment workspace doesn’t require an entire spare room. Instead, you can create an area for working from home within your existing space. Just select a nook or corner where you can fit a desk, computer, cozy chair, and anything else you need to get work done. We recommend grabbing the following supplies for an apartment workspace or office nook:

  • Desk or small table to work on
  • Comfy chair, yoga ball, or other seat
  • Computer accessories like a mouse and keyboard
  • Web camera or headset if you’ll be in video calls
  • Personal touches like photos to make it feel more inviting

Work From Home Tips For Focusing

Using The Pomodoro Method

Struggling to focus isn’t a problem unique to working from home, but many find it harder to stay focused when they aren’t in an office space. Many students and workers find the Pomodoro Method especially helpful for focusing and productivity enhancement.

To follow the method, you’ll need a stopwatch or the clock on your phone or computer. Concentrate on your work for 25 minutes without stopping, then take a five-minute break. Repeat this cycle four times and then take a longer, 15 or 30-minute break. For the best results, create a to-do list to follow for those focused 25-minute stretches.

Use Headphones For Distraction Management

Avoiding distractions can be especially difficult when you’re working from home, as your pets, family, video game consoles, and fully-stocked kitchen can easily lure you away from your work. Loud background noise can be one of the most distracting stimuli while working remotely, so invest in noise canceling headphones to manage distractions. However, stick to instrumental tunes like classical music so you aren’t distracted by the lyrics.

Maintaining Work-Life Balance While WFH

Finding work-life balance has become increasingly important to workers, but it can be hard to maintain when you work at home. To keep work and home separate, set concrete working hours and stick to them. When your day ends, stop answering emails and working on projects. Take caution to avoid completing chores and housekeeping tasks during your working hours as well.

Finding Your “Third Place”

Psychologists refer to third places as locations that facilitate social interaction outside of the people you live or work with. Finding your third place is especially important when you work from home and don’t experience as much in-person social interaction. A third place often has familiar faces that contribute to the development of a sense of community.

Third places include gyms, exercise studios, libraries, art studios, churches, recreational sports leagues, and cafes. They are often spaces associated with personal hobbies and interests, though anywhere can work if it suits you.

Create The Perfect Apartment Workspace in a HILLS Apartment

Living in an apartment you love will make working from home much easier. HILLS Properties offers comfortable, modern apartments equipped with all of the features you need to live happily. Many of our apartment communities also include a resident clubhouse and other community spaces where you can get out of your apartment and continue working remotely. Browse our upscale apartment communities today and find your new apartment home.

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